As your business grows, communication inflow becomes unmanageable?

The most important aspect of a growing business is to manage customer requests correctly and efficiently to grow its customer base and keep existing customers engaged. While you are struggling with effective time management and trying to do everything on your own we are here to help you with these issues, common for every start-up journey.
Whether you are just a small team with a big idea or a lucky company that is expanding their start-up at a high speed – the time spent on your inbox is of great importance while communicating.
There are shortcuts to living a better life and having a successful business combining happy customers and partners. One of them is the use of Artificial Intelligence.
Our solution to boost your performance on written channels
To ensure that our clients can benefit from best-in-class solutions to serve their brand and customers – here thanks to machine learning (ML) and natural language processing technologies (NLP) – we partnered with EmailTree AI, an end-to-end artificial intelligence (AI) driven solution that augments human delivery with enhanced automation capabilities to improve the use of written text channels such as email, chat and social media.
This innovative technology, launched in 2018, has enabled us to integrate the solution into existing operations to support agents through several models, including email understanding, robotic process automation (RPA) of business tasks, and personalized email composition.

The reply suggestions proposed by AI can always be improved by the human touch. Our solution will allow you to connect and integrate with popular software and productivity tools like CRM, accountancy and with popular Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tools and platforms.
Once you have it on your cloud or premise, your advisors can start using the application from day one and just guide it through correct suggestions. For instance, you might have AI managing all the incoming requests on pending orders and invoices, without having to dedicate a person to it.
The solution also includes a light version of CRM that helps you to classify emails, assign to different team members, schedule tasks, set up and manage alerts, actions and puts all your tasks in one place.
This is not only a time-saver, but also ensures that customers receive accurate, high-quality and error-free communication.

With more than 16 languages available to date and an average implementation time around four weeks, we have already implemented this tool for several client operations to improve customer operations in written text channels such as email, chat and social media, with significant results observed:
+20% to +50% performance improvement
This enables a higher quality customer and employee experience, as representatives have more time to focus on value-added work for customers and carry out work that delivers on the bottom line.
As one of our High Tech customers said – experiencing an increase in NPS and +30% efficiency gain thanks to this tool:
“The program delivers a more intelligent way of working to allow the operational team to naturally choose quality over quantity.”

You don’t have to wait to be a huge company that hires thousands of people to integrate a simple solution.
In a world of ML showing an important potential just by being able to learn huge sets of “rules” alone, are you going to be the one that jumps on the bandwagon or will you stick with typing an email for 5-10 min about the same question “where is my order”?
In an omnichannel, multilingual outsourcing company like ours, automation is a critical part of enabling our people to take brand experiences to the next level. Learn more about our partner EmailTree AI in this short video!