Why did Carizy join The Nest by Concentrix?

The Carizy startup offers a reliable original solution for buying and selling used vehicles. It joined The Nest by Concentrix customer experience accelerator in summer 2018. Yann Abrassart (COO) gives an initial assessment of this collaboration.

Carizy is a startup founded in 2015 aimed at providing an innovative and trusted solution to revolutionize the French second-hand vehicle market. The intention of Carizy is to simplify as much as possible the sale and purchase of used cars between private individuals while guaranteeing security and the best price for both the seller and the buyer. All vehicles are inspected and guaranteed. Carizy ensures secure financial transactions and takes care of all the steps involved.

What is special about Carizy from a customer relations perspective?

Our startup has opted for a strong technological approach, so we are able to provide customers with a 100% online journey. Our platform and app allow you to sell and buy your car online, with a real-time estimate of its market value. The ad provides a detailed overview of the vehicle. It is complemented by a booking process and the option to subscribe to services (finance, insurance, extended warranty).

However, based on feedback we have identified a need to support our customers beyond a 100% digital process. This is understandable: buying a vehicle is the second most important purchase people make after buying a property.
Since the quality of the customer experience is of strategic importance for Carizy, we decided to strengthen the sales team, customer service, and offer omnichannel support (phone, email, chat, social networks).

What led Carizy to join The Nest by Concentrix?

Carizy has established partnerships with major players – such as Macif, Matmut, and Maif – who recommend our services for the sale and purchase of used vehicles. The key expectation of such demanding high-profile partners is a perfect customer experience. These partnerships are important to Carizy because they bring high visibility to our services. We reach a total population of approximately 12 million prospective customers.

We have also become aware of the need to support our strong growth, so we have created rapid-response teams who are highly competent in the management of customer relations. Recruiting, training, and managing a customer relations team are complex operations for a startup.

This explains Carizy’s decision to join The Nest by Concentrix. The aim is to benefit from strong expertise in customer relations, high-performance speed, and the volume of senior management support.

How is the relationship between Carizy and The Nest by Concentrix developing?

Since our partnership is recent, there are still areas of automation to be created. Building a business with remote teams is a challenge for a startup: it is in the nature of a startup to build around a single small team. So it was by working together that we built the Concentrix-Carizy team of five people. Training is provided jointly on the Concentrix production site.

We also work together to define KPIs and objectives and then monitor performance through weekly steering committee meetings. We make regular visits to the site to support the teams and ensure the success of the partnership.

What advice would you give a startup that sees user experience as of strategic importance?

A good customer experience is not just about a 100% online process, although that’s still very important. We also need the best possible customer service to support the customer.

My second piece of advice would be to avoid omnichannel deployment too soon. It is best to select the communication channel best suited to your activity: for example, do you need real-time or asynchronous support?
In the long run, it is better to provide excellent service – in terms of responsiveness and quality of support – than to provide the customer with poor service on too many channels.

Finally, I would recommend taking time to measure, evaluate, and monitor how performance is developing in order to adapt your device.



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